Prosave Acrylic Emulsion Paint (Primary Color)

Prosave is acrylic emulsion paint with high quality at reasonable prices. Product features include excellent adhesive film built, anti-fungus, and allow for more area coverage applied. There is no lead and mercury contained. It is suitable for interior decoration.

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Application Method

  New surface Old surface
Step 1: Surface preparation – Allow the surface to dry out over period of at least 30 days or moisture content not more than 14%– Ensure that the surface is clean and dry – Dirt, chalky surface and peeled off paint should be washed out.– Fungus or algae covered area must be cleaned by fungus or algae cleaner after that clean it by water and let it dry 2-3 days before painting
Step 2: Primer Coat – Apply 1 coat of Prosave Alkali Resisting Primer– Leave the surface to dry about 1-2 hrs before applying top coat – Apply 1 coat of  Contact Primer– Leave the surface to dry at least 6 hrs. before applying top coat
Step 3: Top Coat – Apply 2 coats of Prosave for exterior or Prosave for Interior, should leave the surface to dry about 1-2 hrs. before recoating – Apply 2 coats of Prosave for exterior or Prosave for Interior, should leave the surface to dry about 1-2 hrs. before recoating

 Technical Data

Type Coverage      (sq. meter/gal/coat) Drying Time
Surface Dry Dry to recoat
Prosave Primary Color  30 – 35 20 – 30 mins 2 hrs.


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